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Get your BBQ Rubs Today!
Click here to get your Brisket Mafia Rubs Today!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Ideas!!!

Here are some Great Thanksgiving Ideas for everyone to Enjoy!!!
Just click at the top of the Playlist go view the videos for Turkey and Sides!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Product Reviews Coming to BrisketMafia.Com!

I have been in the BBQ/GRILLING game for quite some time. I always get questions online or in person about products. So now I decided to go ahead and start reviewing products and post those reviews here online here for everyone to view. 

If it is a Great product I will let you know so you can go out and buy it. If it is a horrible product I will also let you know so you can save your money. I plan to start doing one review a week and post it every Tuesday morning. So be sure to check the website often to see what we have been using and check out the review.

This weekend we will be grilling with STUBB's BAR-B-Q ALL-NATURAL SPICE RUB. So be sure to come back and check out our review. Have a Great Weekend and Keep the Smoke Flowing!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Smoked Turkey Time!!!

Are you ready for the upcoming Holidays? Well this year I am going to smoke my first Turkey for the holidays. I have planned to do this many times but work or traveling or something always comes up. 

This year however I plan to do a couple of practice turkeys for fun before the big Turkey Day. So I put together this post with all the information I could find on Smoking Turkeys to help anyone doing a smoked turkey.

There are videos describing the process from start to finish. I have also listed links to recipes and any other information that I can find to make the process smoother. So enjoy and feel free to comment and share with all your friends and family. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

So have you tried a Starbucks Brisket Sandwich?

Starbucks making Brisket?  WTF!!!

My friend was talking about this yesterday so I decided to check it out. Now I do not drink coffee or go to Starbucks so I somehow never heard of this until now. I have googled the heck out of it & it looks kinda rough. 

Looks like very little meat and a lot of bread though. Thought about trying it but nah... Starbucks should stick to what it knows best & Brisket is not what it knows best. If anyone has tried it please feel free to leave a comment & let us know how it was.

Friday, October 23, 2015

All you ever wanted to know about the Infamous Smoke Ring!!

So I thought I would use today to examine the Infamous Smoke Ring. It is the Pink/Red Badge of honor that we all Love to see! So I have put together this post with videos and links to websites that go in depth discussing the Smoke Ring. So check it out & feel free to leave your comments for us all to enjoy.

Here are 5 great Webpages I found discussing The Smoke Ring so check them out. Below them are some great videos also for you to enjoy!

  1. Mythbusting the Smoke Ring: No Smoke Necessary!
  2. The Science of the Smoke Ring
  3. Smoke Ring
  4. Mystery of the Smoke Ring Solved!
  5. What is the Smoke Ring and Why Is It There!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Grilling with Lava!!!!

I know you have all seen this on Facebook and what not but it is still interesting. So decided to post it for everyone to enjoy. Pretty cool but I think I will stick with mesquite and charcoal for now. Plus there are no Volcanoes in West Texas LOL.

So I got a free bucket of Beer and a Giant plate of nachos!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Beef Ribs by Aaron Franklin

I am thinking of doing some Beef Ribs this weekend. So I thought I would share this video with you all. Have a Great and Safe weekend.
Keep that smoke flowing!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

So here is a Great Smoked Brisket Video by Malcom Reed of How To BBQ Right!!!

So I wanted to post a great Smoked Brisket for everyone to enjoy. Here is a great one by a BBQ Legend Malcom Reed. 

Check it out and have a Great weekend!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just a Random Video of Christine Mendoza beside a grill LOL.

So I was checking out Christine Mendozas videos and ran across this one of her beside a Grill. So I thought I should share it so we can all admire the grill LOL!!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Great Video on how to make your own Black Bun A1 Burger King Whopper

So I saw this and had to share it. Looks pretty cool. Good stuff for Halloween BBQ's. Share and Enjoy!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

BBQ with Franklin: Pork Ribs

So decided the Video of the day will be Ribs by Aaron Franklin. They sure do come out nice. Feel free to watch the video and comment away. Have a Great weekend and keep the smoke flowing!!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Because who doesn't need a Razor Sharp Frisbee of Death? LOL

Saw this video on Youtube and wow it is crazy. Check out what it does to the pumpkin at 4:37. So now I know what I am getting me on Payday LOL!!!

Some Motivation for the Day!!!

Just a cool motivational video I saw online. Watch and enjoy!

BBQ a Whole Pig!!!

Have you ever done a whole hog? I have seen lots of videos of people using La Caja China quite a bit. So here is a video I found of their product. Looks pretty efficient. Anyone have one or ever used one? Looks like this is gonna be another project to add to the list.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Have you ever wanted to grill a steak on a shovel?

So I have seen this a time or two online and then ran across this video. I always just used my shovels to dig holes lol. So check out this video and let me know what you think. Have a great day and keep the smoke flowing!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Grill Timer Watch by Little Grittle "Sauce Resistant Wristwatch"

Seriously, a watch to help you Grill?

Check it out and be sure to leave your comments below on this little invention. If anyone gets one let us know how it is.

So we are updating the Videos and Recipes

I myself smoke and grill quite a bit. I am sure a lot more than the average person. So when my friends need to whip something up they usually ask me for some advice. Knowing this I decided to add sections here with videos and recipes on how to do everything from starting a fire, to smoking a brisket for 18 hours and everything in between.

Feel free to check out the videos and let me know what you think. If you have some of your own videos or ones you want to suggest we show then please do. So enjoy and be sure to let all your friends know about our How to BBQ Videos lol. Have a good one and keep the smoke Flowing!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Aaron Franklin Makes Brisket on Hollywood Blvd.

Here is a pretty good video of Aaron Franklin smoking a brisket on Jimmy Kimmel. It isn't anything really new for anyone who smokes brisket but it is entertaining. Funny to see how Hollywood loves Texas BBQ. Jimmy and Guillermo seem like they are always eating BBQ lol.  Great Stuff!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to build a Pit like the Salt Lick.

Here is an interesting article that has been on the web for quite some time. Some interesting reading when you get a chance.

Leave a comment at the bottom and let me know what you think. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Interesting read about Mesquite from Texas Monthly: BBQ

I love the articles that Daniel Vaughn writes. I especially enjoy this one about Mesquite wood. I never knew any of this or how they wanted to eradicate the hard wood from Texas. View the article when you can, it is a good one.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wanna smoke a ton of meat but cannot afford a big smoker?

Here is a great article I found online for a cinder block pit. Looks like it may take a little sweat and elbow grease but can you imagine how much meat this bad boy can hold? Surface area looks to be pretty sweet! Check it out.

I also posted some pics from the article.

Here is a You Tube Video of a different Cinder Block Pic.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Brisket Mafia Instagram Page

So I do have an Instagram page for Brisket Mafia @BrisketMafia. I have created a page here on the website for the Instagram page. This is so that everyone can enjoy the pics of all things BBQ related and some just for fun pics. Check out the Gallery when you have a chance. The link is on the right side of the page here. I hope you enjoy all the pics. Also feel free to follow us there @brisketmafia if you are not already. If you send us a pic, we will repost it there and also here. Have a great day and enjoy the page.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Real American Hero saves Family and the BBQ Ribs from an Apartment Fire!!!

So I saw this on Facebook last night and knew I had to share it. Now this guy has priorities straight. Saving his family and then the ribs. I do however feel bad for the hot links as I do not think they made it. In remembrance of that I will be grilling some Hot Links this weekend and having a moment of silence and sizzling for them. May they always be remembered!!! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

When that BBQ gets you locked up!!! LOL

What are you gonna do? You are drunk and see some barbecue chips... It was a crime of passion. May God have mercy on their souls. LOL This is crazy funny. I can just imagine the conversation in jail. What you in for? Felony assault. What you in for? Barbecue.... HAHAHAHA

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Football Season is Here!!!!!!!!!

It is finally upon us. Time to get those smokers and grills prepped. So today I have NFL BBQ Aprons featured on the Brisket Mafia BBQ Store page. Just click on the link to the store on the right side of the page, and find your apron or one for your friend who loves to cook and tailgate. All sales are secure and processed through Check it out today. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Best Barbeque Sauce Youll Ever Taste... NOT!!!

So did anyone watch the show West Texas Investors Club last night?  It is kind of like Shark Tank on CNBC. Well last night they had an episode with Jack Scalfani from the Youtube Channel Cooking with Jack Show. He was wanting a substantial investment for his BBQ sauce company.

He sells his sauce under the name of the The Best Barbeque Sauce Youll Ever Taste. So the two gentleman who invest decide to have him cook some BBQ and compete against the local BBQ champ. I have seen some bad BBQ in my time, but this was very embarrassing. Jack was setup with a offset smoker. He is advised that the wood pile is his fuel source. He then has no idea how to get his smoker up and running. The investors end up jumping in and helping him out.

All I am going to say is that is is horrible and how can he claim to have such good sauce when he cannot even BBQ!!!  This guy is such a fraud. I checked his youtube channel and he can grill on a gas grill, and a Traeger but I did not see any other type of smoker used. Anways BOO this turd!!!

Click Here for a preview of the Episode

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Government can just be stupid at times!

Now I have seen some dumb things in my life but this takes the cake!!! Really.., and to think that someones tax dollars are paying for this.  LOL  Some people are just idiots.  Anyways enjoy the video and have a great smoke filled weekend. Ohh and keep that smoke within your property lines. HAHAHA

Friday, July 17, 2015

The must have book for anyone who is about that BBQ!!!

I got this book at a local used book store for $4.00 if I recall correctly. It is a great read for anyone and everyone interested in BBQ written by Robb Walsh. It has numerous, recipes, tips, and stories that are just great. You might think you know all there is about BBQ but it seems like there is always something new to learn.

I enjoyed the recipe for Ranchero Sauce, Beer Can Chicken and the Pico de Gallo. It also has numerous stories going over the history of a particular event, or meat or recipe. There are some tips on smoking methods also. Toward the back of the book is also a calendar with various BBQ events that you may be interested in attending.

Order your copy from today by clicking the link below or the link on the right of the page under Brisket Mafia BBQ Store . They have both new and used copies of the book. Some are even starting as low as $.82 a copy. Get yours today and then leave a comment here letting me know what you thought of the book.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Smoking Gun Handheld Food Smoker From PolyScience

So I saw this on and thought it was very interesting. The reviews seem to be fairly honest. It looks like it is a small hair dryer you that blows out smoke after lighting your favorite type of wood chips on fire. Seems like some people enjoy it but say that they wish it was a bit stronger in blowing out the smoke. Has anyone ever seen this or tried it? I am just curious. I myself will just stick with my UDS and other smokers for the moment. Plus it seems like it would take a while to use a blow dryer on a brisket lol. Neat invention though.

Rambo is about that Beef!!!

So here is a great commercial I saw today on Youtube. Never seen it before but it is amusing. Kind of a lot of sauce on that steak but to each his own lol. Enjoy

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Science of BBQ!!!

I went on YouTube today and just typed in BBQ. This video came up and it is pretty interesting. It would be a great video to show kids to get them excited about BBQ. So check it out when you have a chance. Just some thing to kill some time lol. Have a great Day!

Monday, July 13, 2015

BBQ with Franklin: Brisket Wrap Test

Aaron Franklin's Brisket Wrap Test. What do you think?

What BBQ means to me.

I have wanted to write this for quite some time. I have been asked why I like BBQ so much by many people. This question got me to thinking of all the things that I do love about Q. My first memories of BBQ are when my dad used to grill with his brother over in Clovis, NM. We would visit my uncles almost every weekend. My dad and Mario would start the grill and pop a top on a cold beer. Me my brother and all my cousins would run around playing. I remember the smell of the meat. Once it was done we would all eat and then go play again. The parents would all sit around and talk about whatever it is they talked about. Those were great times and great memories. 

Now many years later I find myself carrying on the tradition. I get together with my family and friends and we grill and have fun while the kids play. So what does BBQ mean to me? BBQ means a gathering of family and friends to consume grilled and smoked meat while enjoying each others company, creating memories that are unforgettable. I Love my family and friends and I Love "Q"!